Free Class

Hope in the Healing Journey

A 5 day challenge for Christian women overcoming eating disorders

Do you wish someone would just tell you the secret to developing a happy, restriction free relationship with food?

Here's the secret...the #1 thing keeping you stuck in the never ending tug of war with food is: lack of hope.

Along the way, you’ve convinced yourself your current relationship with food is the best it’s going to get. You began to truly believe you and food will never get along. You believe you will always restrict food. You believe food will always have control over you. You believe it’s impossible to be comfortable around food.

My sweet friend, this is a hopeless way of thinking.

No need to beat yourself up over it though. Societal, neurological and biological programming have helped you form these false beliefs.

It’s time to open up to new programming and be available to accept the good news + the truth.

The truth is this: there’s one powerful way to reinvigorate your hope.

Hope is found in Jesus.

Jesus was a gift to you from God so you could be saved from anything through your faith.

Pretty good news, wouldn’t you say?

Or maybe you’re thinking "dang, I wish I spent more time on my faith".

If you are fed up with food, I’m guessing you’re frustrated with your faith as well.

Be honest, when was the last time you talked to God? A few days? Weeks? Months? Years?

However long it’s been since you spoke with God, it is ok. His patience and love endures forever so drop the belief it’s too late to strike up a conversation with Him. He’s waiting with an abundance of grace.

It’s ok, friend. Life gets busy. Life can be hard. But you never have to make time for God. Every moment is time with God. You don’t need to be dressed in your Sunday best, sitting in a pew at church to connect with God. Ditch perfection. Let go of the all or nothing mentality.

You were not made to do life alone. It’s time to invite God + Jesus into your healing journey.

I’m hosting a zero-cost 5 day challenge where I’ll show you how to reconnect with God, find fortitude in your faith and merge the spiritual + practical for long lasting support + hope in overcoming an eating disorder.

As a mom of two who has overcome an eating disorder that started when I was only 14 years old, I wish someone would’ve had something like this when I was lost in the darkness of despair.

At the end of the 5 days:

  • you will have invited God + Jesus to walk with you in your healing journey.
  • You will feel lighter, a sense of joy + ease in your approach to recovery.
  • You will gain a deep sense of reconnection with God + self. (hint: Two components of any successful recovery.)
  • Go from feeling alone in recovery to connected in recovery.
  • You will connect your faith to your healing.
  • You will receive a newfound hope and momentum in your healing journey.
  • You will know Jesus isn’t only for church. He can handle your pain, struggles and darkness.

It is an honor to spend this time with you. I don’t take it lightly. I can’t wait to see you there! Our first day is July 17th.

I am also going to be opening up spots in my brand new signature program: Break Up With Food Rules! You’ll have an exclusive opportunity to transform your healing journey on such a deep, dive level so be sure to come to this one, love.

Live Class

July 17, 2023
1:00pm Central Time

Hey there, I'm Andrea!

I'm the founder of Faith Journey Wellness LLC and host of Good Vanilla, a podcast about ED recovery + pursuing wellness from a foundation of faith. As an eating disorder recovery coach for Christian women, I'm on a mission to help you heal the way I healed from an eating disorder, by reclaiming your self-worth + realigning with your God-given identity. For in this identity is where you find true wellness and healing. And when you are well, your gifts shine into the world. Shine on babe!

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